When’s the best time to post on Instagram?

best time to post on Instagram

Let’s start off with your analytics. The easiest way to find out when you audience is online and how they are engaging with your posts is to look at your Instagram analytics. But if you’re just starting out and need help trying to find out what is best for your industry check out our tips…

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Is blogging still relevant?

With the growth of new means of content creation that has changed marketing strategies, many businesses are now wondering whether or not blogging is still a relevant way of connecting. With podcasts, video content and a 24/7 insight into people and businesses through social media, many still wonder if there’s room for blogging and what…

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Is email marketing a dead art?

Email marketing

Over the past three years we have been hearing that email marketing is becoming as extinct as dinosaurs but is this the case? Statistics prove that this is most definitely false news For starters, we send 102.6 trillion emails every year. And the numbers keep going up, with 126.7 trillion expected to be sent by…

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