With the growth of new means of content creation that has changed marketing strategies, many businesses are now wondering whether or not blogging is still a relevant way of connecting.

With podcasts, video content and a 24/7 insight into people and businesses through social media, many still wonder if there’s room for blogging and what impact does it bring.

Firstly, google loves professional blogs.

For those looking to gain high ranking in the search engines and drive traffic to their websites for their specific niche area as a professional. Then blogging undoubtedly remains not only relevant but critical.

People love conversation from an expert in the field and people will pay attention for updates.

Here are some reasons to why you should keep blogging alive:

1- It keeps your website alive and relevant

New, fresh content keeps your website relevant. Some may think well we can use social media to do that but the reality is, if someone has viewed your website once what will make them come back to view it again? What’s better than a blog! In addition, time spent on your site is an important metric for attracting advertisers.

People naturally gravitate to businesses that offer relevant, upto date opinions. Well written articles demonstrate where your company stands in the industry leadership board. By posting topics which resonate with your market and show your knowledge, you are marketing your skills for your business, service and product too.

This takes us to this vital word in business called: TRUST.

A customer needs to trust who they are giving their time to, making sure you provide helpful and accurate content where a discussion is bought up with the sharing of knowledge, is a wonderful way to increase the trust in your brand.

2- Blogs are a soft selling approach of your business

Blog writing shows your expert opinion in your field. It is an indirect approach to prove your direction in your industry. Showing your knowledge is a way of indirectly selling your service or product.

People are put off by ‘harsh’ and ‘overly direct’ sales. And many customers are tired of obvious advertising even if there are shopping around. Having a blog page gives you an avenue to creatively promote your products and services to the more modern business environment.

3- Written content is vital for Search Engine Optimization

One of the most common ways blogs are able to do this is by ranking your website for certain keywords. Having multiple blog posts with different keywords allow you to optimize your site and attract different audiences.

So being clear about your intent is vital.

These things combined proves that there is still space for blogging in business, infact the routes are strong. Instead of viewing blogging as routes being cut off, we should see it as routes that are growing in new avenues and direction to source life. These sources are social media!

In part 2 we will be discussing how social media is now being incorporated into blogging and how you can use it in your business.

Keep an eye out for Part 2.

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