Is email marketing a dead art?

Over the past three years we have been hearing that email marketing is becoming as extinct as dinosaurs but is this the case?

Statistics prove that this is most definitely false news

For starters, we send 102.6 trillion emails every year. And the numbers keep going up, with 126.7 trillion expected to be sent by 2022. The average email subscriber receives 13 commercial emails a day .

And despite the rise of all the social media apps, around 75% of teenagers are still using emails as part of their everyday life. The truth is whether or not it is that obvious to us, most of us still check our emails at least once a day.

If that’s the case, why do people think it’s a dying? Perhaps it’s the increase of social media there is an assumption of decreasing interest in emails? Or perhaps it’s the introduction of GDPR?

Never the less as the owner of the Marketing Study Lab; Peter Sumpton very simply put it

Email will still remain one of the best ways to communicate with those that want to hear from you

So how do we make the most out of email marketing?
There are many advantages associated with email marketing. When used correctly, it can leverage sales, create new consumers and assist in their retention. Which is unlike social media where you have to engage a person before they become a customer.

According to McKinsey & Company; Email marketing is 40 times more effective as compared to social media. The study also says that the speed of purchase is 3 times faster compared to social media where there are too many distractions .

These findings are fascinating but not as surprising as we would have thought, social media is competitive, less personal and less thought provoking so engagement is naturally more difficult to achieve to reach that final sales point.

How can we now make the most out of email marketing?
Well that’s simple, especially using these two words: target & personalise;

  1. target target target! Make sure you target those who would be specifically interested. The wonderful thing about emails are they are easily measurable. Meaning that you can track every success and failure until you reach your goal.
  2. Emails are personal, so make the most out of it in order to win people over.

Therefore a good mix between target your audience and personalise your email it is a good recipe to success.

So use your emails, don’t be afraid of them!

Now pointing out the simple truth that most people do not quite understand. Email marketing and social media marketing are not exclusive. That’s right, you can do both whether it is your personal life as well as well as business. Emails are here to stay.

If this article has triggered you into start your own email marketing campaign then do not hesitate to do so and here is some advice on how to start:

  1. Simplicity is key = more is less.
    Keep your design simple, writing easy on the eyes and message clear
  2. Mailchimp
    Use software’s designed to make your life easier. It is important for the email to look as professional and as safe as possible.
  3. Target & Personalise
    Target your audience and personalise your email.

We most certainly believe that this is the best way to start.

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